Monday, March 10, 2014

3/10/14 Prompt: Morning

Today's Prompt is simply Morning.
Morning time is beautiful, but it can mean many things for many people. For some it means work or school, for others it means sunrises and lazy days. It's all a matter of perspective.

And as always, each prompt is there for whatever interpretation you wish.

Here's my piece:

The sun rises over the horizon in the East. Rays reach over the trees, illuminating the tops of houses. It's such a beautiful sight, and she was glad she got to see it. She sat there for a long while, until the sun was hanging majestically higher as though trying to tell everyone it would be a beautiful morning.

She glanced down at her watch soon after and found it to be nearly 8 o'clock. She grabbed her shoes that she had laid next to her and carefully put them on each foot. She had until 10am to be at work, and she was already dressed. 

She walked back to her home and ate a quick snack before descending into the town where she labored. "Good Morning!" Called out her manager as she stepped into the employee break area. She nodded towards him and clocked in. She was well known for not saying a word until Noon. 

The morning was sacred to her.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3/9/14 Prompt: Life in Another State

As always, this prompt it open to all interpretation from, well, anybody.

The prompt for today is life in another state. I thought about this a lot last night as I was heading to bed. I haven't been to a lot of states. Really I've only been to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa... I think we went straight through Missouri, and I spent about a week in Arkansas. In total I think I've spent no more than a month in the traveling and staying in other states. Mostly Wisconsin.

There's one state I really want to visit though, and that is Colorado. I'm tempted to write my prompt on Colorado but I think I'll change my perspective around and just accompany the idea of going from state to state. Or something. We'll see.

On that note, Here's my piece. By the way feel free to add a link to your prompt in the comment section below.

I am wandering. 
It's been like this for days.
New streets, new houses
New names

I am wondering
Where am I now?
I got lost on the way
Back to my new place

I am looking
At a map I bought
Last week to learn
All the new roads to wander.

I am gazing
Down the paved lane
Of the street I've been wandering
Looking at all the new driveways

I am finding
New parks and bike paths
That I'm excited to try out
On my new bike

I am walking
Back to my new place
It's strange how different everything is
In this new state

I am feeling
Warmer than I normally would
Because I'm further south
Loving this new weather

I am happy
Now that I'm away from
All the negativity
I like my new state

Of being

Thursday, March 6, 2014

3/6/14 Prompt: If I had a million dollars

Today's prompt is a little bit unique as most of my posts have been story focused but I also like things that are brainstorm focused. In fact, I adore those things.

So today, we're looking into what would happen if you were suddenly given a million dollars. There are rules for this one.

1. You have to immediately spend, invest, or save. Think of this as a budget for a million.
2. You are not allowed to put into a savings account more than half of it. That means you need to delegate at least half a million dollars to other things.
3. You cannot invest in the stock market more than 300,000 dollars either. This means your total delegated to other things has to be at least 200,000. But try for bigger.

Those are your rules. 

Here's my plan:
So, firstly I'd buy laptops. For me and at least two others. Then amazing software based on the interests of people. Like mine would be for my business. Next, video camera and lighting equipment for shooting videos. Also, digital camera.

After that, I'd delegate a good chunk of money to other business affairs. Like freelancers and marketing. That way I could grow my business and not have to rely on this random piece of money for the rest of my life.

I would not buy a house or car because I don't want to drive and I don't have recurring income yet. 

I would, however, buy a very nice bike and a monthly bus pass.  I need transportation somehow, right? I would set aside a good twelve months of bus fare. And a hundred or two a month for gas money for people nice enough to give me rides.

Speaking of nice people, I would give each one of my close friends something that would make them the happiest. And at least one thing to help them grow their own career.

I would spend a good deal of money, nearly 50,000, settling family affairs and starting people off on the right foot.

I would pay off my loans and all my other debt, the total is about 3-5,000 right now... 

I would then get a good phone and data plan from AT&T. I would also upgrade my broken screened tablet. 

I would invest a lot of money in the stock market and I'm pretty sure I'd save a lot. Including some saved for the taxes on this random million I got. 

A good deal of the rest of the money would be budgeted on food and entertainment, since we already got business covered at the top.

And one more thing, I would tell as few people as possible.